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But I fell in love with you - Chapter 93

But I fell in love with You 

Chapter 93: The one who started the fire

If she didn’t have two days off from school then Yang Nainai might have been forced to take an off day the next day so she could have a good rest.

When Huo Yixuan had his bouts of madness in bed, she sometimes felt as if he was trying to kill her by exhausting her. She felt like an inanimate lifeless s3x doll that he kept tossing and turning, over and over in bed with his torments. The muscles all over her body were so excessively sore now that she could no longer close her own legs properly anymore.

He was not only in peak physical condition, he also shamelessly gave her a l3wd advice saying that having s3x would help her to lose weight, and that she only had to do it a few more times so she could lose her extra weight faster.

Yang Nainai only gave him a fierce glare as she huffed out angrily at him: 

"Believe it if you want to but I’m gonna curse you to die of excessive ej4cul4tions!"

Huo Yixuan fuked her hard while he grinned at her devilishly: 

"Then you'll have to wait until the day they send me into the coffin. Before that, I can fuk you for another hundred years."

A shrill sound of her ringtone jolted Yang Nainai sharply from her slumber. She slowly blinked open her eyes, causing the sunlight to immediately blind her with its harsh rays. The sun had long burned the tender skin of her butt0cks[1].

"Hello, who is it?"

"This is the Changshan Cage Street Police Station. Are you Wang Yufei's family member?" The unfamiliar male voice made Yang Nainai freeze in place for three heart rendering seconds.

"I am, may I ask why you are confirming this with me?"

"Wang Yufei is suspected of committing arson. He is being investigated because he allegedly started a fire in a private property and caused bodily harm to individuals by inflicting burns on them. Since he is still underage, you have to come to the police station to be notified of his alleged crimes."

Yang Nainai sat up suddenly, causing agonizing pain to pierce through her nether region.

She winced behind her gritted teeth then laid back down. Huo Yixuan then pushed open the door and asked her: 

"What's the matter, baby, do you still not want to get up?"

Yang Nainai burst into tears: "Huo Yixuan, you b4st4rd." 

After being dressed, Huo Yixuan literally had to help Yang Nainai all the way to the police station.

The moment she stepped into the police station, her eyes immediately locked in on a thoroughly humiliated Wang Yufei. His face was now covered in dirty soot, while his clothes held signs of being burnt in certain spots. This was the most miserable state that she had the unfortunate luck to witness him in.

Yang Nainai rushed over to the detaining cell and asked him anxiously, 

"Are you all right, are you injured anywhere on your body?"

Wang Yufei tried to hide away from her eyes and did not even dare to lift his head to look at her. When she had confirmed that he was not hurt at all, Yang Nainai lifted her hand and gave him a slap on his body, 

"Are you kidding me! Why didn’t you stay put at home and instead went out to start a fire somewhere else?! How old do you think you are? Why are you still playing with fire like an ignorant child?"

Wang Yufei whined in distress: "Nainai, I really didn't start that fire, I..."

"What about you?"

"I, aiya, long story short, I was wrongly accused. Help me and please, please, please don't tell my parents."

Yang Nainai looked at him like she still doubted his words. She then walked to the policeman’s desk, and asked about his situation, 

"Officer, what did my brother do this time?" 

The young police officer raised his head to land his eyes on her, then looked at Huo Yixuan who stood next to Yang Nainai. He then spoke in a gentle tone, 

"How are you related to Wang Yufei?"

"I'm his sister." 

The police officer scowled then nagged her when he heard her words: 

"Little girl, we need his adult legal guardian to come here so they can be notified of what he did. You should still be a junior high school student, right? Just let the adults in your family come in and settle this issue."

Of course Yang Nainai didn’t dare to do what the police had said. She turned her head to take one glance at Wang Yufei. He looked so pitiful in that begging stance, so she could only grit her teeth and say: 

"I’m 18 this year so I’m already an adult. He is still underage so I can act as his legal guardian. His parents are overseas right now, so I’m afraid his only emergency contact is me." 

The officer was a little surprised by her words and Huo Yixuan took out her ID card unhurriedly and handed it over to them: 

"This is her ID card. It states here clearly that she is an adult." 

After the officer verified that it was Yang Nainai’s ID card, he said: "Your brother's situation is a little serious."

"How serious is it?" 

Yang Nainai could feel a headache coming on. Please don’t tell her that he actually killed someone because that was a charge that she wouldn’t be able to brush under the table no matter how much she tried.

The officer then replied: "Fortunately, this fire did not cause any casualties, but..."

"But what?"

"But this fire had destroyed a lot of expensive properties inside the club so they might ask you for a full compensation."

Yang Nainai’s lips pursed into a stiff line, 

"How much are they asking for?" 

The officer gave her a sympathetic look and softened his tone, "They haven’t gave us the exact total of the damage yet, but from where we are looking at currently, the preliminary estimate should be around 5 million Yuan[2] or so."

Yang Nainai gasped in the chilly air. 5 million, she would not even be worth that much money if she sold herself. How could she possibly settle this now?

The officer could see the panic in her eyes so he suggested: 

"You should just contact his parents and tell them to come here instead. Since the damages incurred such a large amount of money, the other party will definitely not give up on pursuing the costs."

Yang Nainai snapped her head around to berate Wang Yufei instead: 

"Why did you set fire to someone else’s business when you could just sit quietly at home? Which club did you go to?"

Wang Yufei scratched his head sheepishly, 

"The incident didn’t happen the way you think it did, it's... Anyway, I was just passing through Demacia so I really didn't set the fire. Nainai, you have to believe me."


Yang Nainai’s whole body froze for a moment, then she looked back at Huo Yixuan.

Huo Yixuan was also very surprised by his sudden revelations, "I'll go out and make a phone call."

Yang Nainai let out a sigh of relief and thanked their lucky stars for this. Yet the next reaction she had was guilt. How could she be so shameless to think this way?

Crazy girl, even though her relationship with Huo Yixuan wasn’t simple, she should pay back every penny that his family had lost in that business because of Wang Yufei's criminal act. She shouldn’t become so shameless that she expected Huo Yixuan and his family to just bear this kind of losses. She wouldn’t be able to hold up her face to society if she did.

She could no longer hold back the question that was burning at her when she asked Wang Yufei, "Tell me honestly, is it related to Zhao Rou’an again?"

The trouble he had caused last time because of her also happened at Demacia. Yang Nainai had nearly fell into the death traps of the gangsters that hung out there too.

Wang Yufei felt a little guilt but he also felt super irritated by her question. He became extremely frantic when he answered her: 

"It's not like that, aiya, you don't need to ask so much about it. Just help me get out of this place first."

Yang Nainai suddenly wished that she could just leave him there to rot and not care about whether he lived or died in this place.

She swore that she would write her own name upside down if this incident had nothing to do with Zhao Rou’an.

Yet her whole point coming here today was to release Wang Yufei from this place, so Yang Nainai just took in a calming breath and asked the policeman: 

"Officer, can I take my brother away?" 

The policeman shook his head, "The damages he had incurred is too much for me to let him go so easily even though he is still a minor. The only fortunate thing is that there were no casualties in this case. You should go and ask the victim first and talk about how you can compensate them for their losses. As long as both parties come to an agreed upon settlement, then it will be easier for me to let him go too."

This was the best solution for now since the officer had already suggested it to her, so she should follow his advice.

Yang Nainai glared at Wang Yufei, then turned and walked out the door.

The rays of the winter sun hit Huo Yixuan’s profile as he stood by the window along the corridor while holding on to his phone. He said a few words, then nodded casually, and hung up the phone in the end.

He could see that Yang Nainai was dawdling while she hesitantly walked towards him. Huo Yixuan just smiled fondly at her actions then strode towards her and stroke the crown of her head when he reached her. 

"What's wrong? Hmm?"

Yang Nainai felt a little guilty, so she spoke to him in a soft coquettish manner: 

"Well, the officer said, um... that I have to reach an agreement with the victim first, before I can get my brother out from that place."

After her words ended, she no longer dared to look straight into Huo Yixuan's eyes.

Huo Yixuan continued to fiddle with her hands, rubbing her cold palms slowly to encourage her to continue her words. 

It took Yang Nainai a long time before she had mustered up enough courage to get through her shame and asked him for help: 

"My brother… although he is too playful and is not very reliable at all, I do believe that he really didn't mean to set the place ablaze on purpose. I know that he is in the wrong, but can you, can you..."

"Can I ask the other party to nod their heads then let him go quietly?"

Yang Nainai nodded her head excitedly all of a sudden: "Yes, yes, yes, but don't worry, I'm not trying to take advantage of you. We will definitely compensate you for the losses that should be paid. It's just that it's hard for us to pay for everything in one shot, so can you please accept us paying you the losses incurred in installments instead?"

Huo Yixuan lowered his head and smiled wickedly: "What if I say no?"

Yang Nainai's heart jolted in disappointment, 

"Ah? Well, it's normal for you not to agree to our conditions. You can also suggest a more favorable but fair condition instead. We can always sit down and discuss about it, but please, please don't let my brother go to prison, okay?"

Translation corner:

[1] 太阳都晒屁股 - The sun tanning the skin of your buttocks. A term used to describe a person sleeping far past the time to wake up in the morning.

[2] 5 million Yuan is around USD725,000


[Chapter 92] Index   [Chapter 94]


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